Joined LTK College on 14 Feb, 1997
I have joined L.T.K. College on 14th September 1997. I passed M.Sc. in Zoology from B.R. Ambedkar University, Bihar in the year 1994. In the year 2022, I have completed my Ph.D. degree from Gauhati University. I have been serving this college from the past 23 years.
Research Interest:
Specialized Courses:
Cell Biology


  1. Taxonomic status and distribution of Crossocheilus latius (Hum) published in Proc. Zoological Society of India in 2011, (ISSN 0972-6683). 
  2. “Proximate composition of Ash, protein and fat in Crossocheilus latius (Hum)”. Published in International Journal of Research And Analytical Reviews, 2019, Vol6, (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138). 
  3. “ Food and Feeding Habits of a Hill Stream Fish Crossocheilus latius (Hum) from Subansiri river. Published in Journal of Gujarat Research Society, 2019, (ISSN; 0374-8588), Vol 21.
  4. “ Sex ratio of Crossocheilus latius (Hum) from Subansiri river”. Published in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2019, (ISSN- 2349-5162). 
  5. “Analysis of Morphometric characters of C. latius Hum”, Published in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 2020 Dec. Vol 7 issue 4. E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138.


  1. UGC sponsored National Seminar, 1999.
  2. UGC sponsored seminar in 2001.
  3. National seminar on “The Present Higher Education System and Its Challenges in 2003.
  4. National seminar on Zoology for Human Welfare in 2006.
  5. National Seminar on Biodiversity and Human Welfare in 2008.
  6. National seminar on Rice fish integrated farming for fish altitude wet rice lands in 2010.
  7. International conference on Energy, Environment and Development in 2010.
  8. Workshop on “Implementation of Semester system in Undergraduate Colleges” in 2010.
  9. UGC sponsored national seminar cum workshop in 2010.
  10. UGC sponsored national seminar on “ Impact of globalization on socio economic scenario of North East India with special Reference to Assam” in 2016.
  11. National workshop Pune, 2017.
  12. National workshop cum hands on training on “Basics Techniques of Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics” n 2015.
  13. National seminar on “Status of women in North East India:Problems and concern” in 2015.
  14. UGC sponsored State level workshop on Habit of Book Reading for Intellectual Uplift, 2015.
  15. National seminar on “Soft skills and personality Dvelopment” in 2014.
  16. National seminar on “Socio-political movement In North East India: History, Ideology and Menifestations” in 2017.
  17. Workshop on capacity Building for Teachers in 2019.
  18. National seminar on “Resurgence of non conventional wild edible plants of NE India” in 2020.
  19. ICSSR sponsored national seminar on “Social impacts of large river dams in North East India” in 2020.
  20. Participation in UGC sponsored state level workshop in 2015.
  21. Participation in National seminar on Status of women in North East in 2015.
  22. Participation in national workshop cum hands on training basis techniques of Molecular Biology in 2015.
  23. Participation in UGC sponsored State level workshop in 2015.
  24. Participation in National workshop in 2015.
  25. Participation in UGC sponsored National seminar on Impact of Globalization in 2016.
  26. Participation in National workshop cum hand on training in 2016.
  27. Participation on National seminar on Socio-Political in 2017.
  28. Participation on workshop research based pedagogical tools in 2017 at Tezpur University.
  29. Participation in workshop on capacity building in 2019.
  30. Participation in orientation workshop on UG choice based credit system in 2019.   

Faculty Development Programmes

  1. Participation in the Teacher’s Conclave (online) held in 2020.
  2. Participation in Literature in terms of crisis sponsored IQAC Lakhimpur Girl’s College in 2020.
  3. National webinar on “Role of Youth in National Building Process: During and after covid-19” in 2020.
  4. Webinar on Re-Energising Covid Hit Economy of Assam in 2020.
  5. UGC sponsored two weeks Interdisciplinary Refresher course In Environmental Sciences in 2019.
  6. Workshop in UG choice based credit system in 2019.

Participation in Different Committees and Cells

  1. Appointed as the Chairman of the Tree Plantation Committee in 2017.
  2. Appointed as a Polling Officer/ Enumerator in general election of student’s union in 2017.
  3. Member of Institutional values and based practices in 2022.
  4. Member of water conservation facilities available in the Institution (Rain water harvesting).
  5. Member of management of solid waste management in the Institution.
  6. Member of green campus initiatives.

Extension Activities

  1. External evaluator on Gunotsav phase III.
  2. Classes taken at Bhaskar M.E School at Barsaria, Azad.
  3. External evaluator on Gunotsav.
  4. Participated in awareness pragrammes on Public Hygiene at Jugalpur Primary School.
  5. Participated in awareness programmes on Poisonous Snake at Jugalpur Primary School.