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(i) “Problems of Women as educational manager and strategies for empowerment” : Women in the North Eastern States : an exclusive study on the issues of women. ISBN-978-93-82495-99-4.
(ii) “Domestic violence against women and its impact on children.” – Status of women in North East India, ISBN : 978-93-85229-25-1
(iii) “Nari aru Swasthya” : Prasfutita Nari, Published by Publication Board, Assam College Teachers Association, Lakhimpur. ISBN : 978-81-939507-7-7
UGC Care List Journal :
“A study on academic engagement of college going students during national lockdown and unlock period of covid – 19 pandemic in Assam.” – The International journal of Mechanical and production Engineering Research and Development, ISSN (P) : 2249-6890; Vol.10, Feb 2020.
College Magazine :-
গনিতৰ প্ৰয়োজনীয়তা আৰু আন আন বিষয়ৰ লগত ইয়াৰ সম্বন্ধ।
(i)Presented a paper titled “Violence against women, their legal rights & awareness” in U.G.C. sponsored National Seminar on “Status of women in North East India: Problems and Concerns” Organised by Women cell L.T.K. College, in collaboration with ACTA on 29th & 30th April 2015.
(ii) Presented a paper in U.G.C. sponsored National Seminar on “recent Trends in Application on Mathematical Modelingto problems in Natural and Social Sciences” organized by department of Mathematics, Dhakuakhana College on 4th and 5th February 2016.
(iii) Presented a paper in U.G.C. sponsored National Seminar on “Relevance of Gandhism in the Era of Globalization” organized by Gandhian Studies Centre, Laluk College on 28th March 2016.
(iv) Presented a paper in ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on “Social Impacts of Large River Dams in North East India” – Organised by department of Botany, Madhabdev University on 3rd & 4th February, 2020.
(v) National Seminar on – “Exploring Local History and Folk Culture of the Indigenous people of North East India with Special reference to Assam, sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, Organised by Department of History N.N.S. College Titabor, held on 24th & 25th February 2021.
(i) Participated in the National Workshop on “Rastriya Uchchattar Siksha Abhiyan” Organized by Assam College Teachers Association, Lakhimpur Zonal Committee on 8th September 2014.
(ii) Participated in U.G.C. sponsored national workshop on “Research Methodology, its needs and importance.”: Organised by department of Education and Economics, Lakhimpur Kendriya Mahavidyalaya on 9th September, 2014.
(iii) Participated in two days workshop on “Teaching Methodology of Mathematics” –organise by Department of Mathematics NERIST, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh on 21st and 22nd November, 2015.
(iv) Participated in U.G.C. sponsored National Level Workshop on “New Trends in Mathematics and its application” Organized by Department of Mathematics, Silapather Science College, Dhemaji on 13th and 14th June 2015.
(v) Participated in the workshop on “Implementation of CBCS at the U.G. level in college under Dibrugarh University” at L.T.K. College, North Lakhimpur on 1st December 2016.
vi) Participated in DST, MHRD and IISER collaboration Regional workshop on “Research Based Pedagogical Tools” at Lakhimpur Girl’s College on 3rd to 5th August 2017.
Vii) Participated in the workshop on “Capacity Building for Teachers” on 11th June 2019 held at L.T.K. College organized by IQAC, LTK College.
viii) participated two days workshop on “Basic Training onuse of ICT in teaching” organized by taching learning centre, Tezpur University under PMMMNMT scheme of Ministry of Human Resource Development on 20 & 23 April 2020.
ix) Participated one day National E-Workshop on “The Role of Non Teaching in NAAC Accreditation” – Organised by IQAC Bapumiya Sirajoddin Patel Arts, Commerce and Science College on 29th May 2020.
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(i) Successfully completed 6 days faculty development programme on “Techno Pedagogical aspect of global competency in higher education” from 22nd to 27th May 2020, incollaboration with NSS Training College PANDALAM and CHANGANACHERRY.
(ii) Attended 7-days international Faculty Development programme on “Mathematical Modeling in multidisciplinary Domain” organized by department of Mathematics, Bannari Amman institute of Technology from 1st June to 07 June 2020.
(iii) Participated 5-day Faculty Development Programme on “Scilab” in association with IIT-Bombay from 15th – 19th June 2020, organized by Department of Science & Humanities.
(iv)Participated in the on line Faculty development programme on “E-Learning Platform” organized E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati held from 06-13 July 2020 in association with IQAC L.T.K. College and support from Mantra Associates.
v)Participated in a one weak online international Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Advances in Mathematics & Statistics” – jointly organized by Department of Mathematics institute of Science and Center for learning & sustainability from 3rd August to 8th August 2020.
vi) Participated one weakInternational Faculty Development Programme on “Demystifying Optimization Techniques” Organised by Department o f Mathematics Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu from 22nd to 27th March 2021 .
(vii) Completed in 9 day National level online Faculty Development Programme on “Foregrounding the Spectrum of Character Building in Modern Human Life” organized by Department of Humanities & Sciences from 25 June to 03 July 2021.
viii) Participated one weakFaculty Development programme on “Sholftware tools for Mathematical Education” organized by Department of mathematics, BAIT, Tamil Nadu from 30th August to 05 September 2021.
(ix) Successfully Completed one week online interdisciplinary certificate course on “Basic of Organic Farming” organized by department of Botany and IQAC Athalye – Sapre – Pitre College Devrukh from 17th May to 23rd May 2020.
d) Others :
i) Participated in the symposium on “New Education Policy, 2019” held at L.T.K. College and 22nd August,2019 on the occasion of Foundation Day & Silver Jubilee of the Science Stream.
(ii) Participated in the International Level Quiz competition to celebrate the International Youth Day on 12th August 2020 jointly organized by West Bengal state AIDS prevention & Control Society, Department of Health & Family Welfare, all NSS units, University of West Bengal.
iii) Participated “Spit-free India Movement” during June-August 2020 to prevent the spread of covid – 19 organized by SAMBANDH health foundation.
iv)Participated Covid-19 Awareness Quiz conducted by Student Development cell of Shri Sant Shankar Maharaj Arts & Commerce College on 20th May 2020.
v)Participated in National Level Awareness Program on 25th June 2020, jointly organized by Department of English, Kalaguru Bishnu Rabha College and Department of Education, Mazbat College.
vi)Serving as the joint coordinator of a workshop on “Some Aspects of Fundamental of Geometry and Number Theory and carrier prospects in Mathematics” Organized by Department of Mathematics L.T.K. College.
1. Stock in charge (Internal) of L.T.K. College from 2018
2. Assistant Officer In-charge for the ensuring BA/BSc. Semester Examination and H.S. final Exam for the year 2021-22.
3. In-Charge of the Girls CommonRoom of the Students union L.T.K. College for the session 2017-2018.
4. Convenor, Health & Red Ribbon Committee of L.T.K. College for the session 2020-2021.
5. Joint Convenor, Exchange Committee of L.T.K. College for the session 2021-22.
6. H.O.D. Department o f Mathematics from 2015 to 2018.
7. Co-ordinator of Women cell from 2018 to 2019.
8. Teacher Member –
i)College Examination Committee.
ii)College Library Committee
iii) College Canteen Committee.
iv) College Library and Cultural Committee
v)Student Support and Progression Committee
vi)Teaching learning and Evaluation committee
vii) Institutional Values and best Practice Committee
viii) Member of Assam College Teacher’s Association (ACTA)
ix)Member of Assam Lakhika Sormruh Somiti
i) Organised extension activity classes in High School in 2017.
ii) Organised health Check up camp in Majulial Gaon under the Auspices of health Committee and N.S.S. unit of L.T.K. College in 2021.
iii) Organized Free Eye Check-up camp in Adarsha Vidyapith in collaboration with Soumarpith Nursing Home and health committee of L.T.K. College on 9th March 2022.