Trends of physics beyond Einstein.( National seminar ,2006)
Implementation of semester system in under graduate colleges(National seminar ,2010)
The role of self help group in the development of rural economy with special reference to Lakhimpur district.(National seminar,2010)
National workshop on : Soft skills and personality development . (2014)
Workshop on : Implementation of CBCS at the undergraduate level in colleges under Dibrugarh University.(2016)
UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Status OF women in North East India; Problems and Concerns’ at LTK College on 29th and 30th April, 2015.
National Workshop on ‘Soft Skills and Personality Development’ on23th and 24th January 2015 at LTK college.
Impact of Globalization on economy of North East region .(National seminar, 2016)
National seminar on , Socio Political movement in North East India : History Ideology and Manifestations. (2017)
Status of woman in NE India with special reference to Lakhimpur District ,(National seminar,2017)
ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on – ‘ Social Impacts Of Large River Dams In NE India’, Organized by Madhavdev University, 3-4th February,2020.
UGC-CPE sponsored International online seminar on: ‘ Covid-19 pandemic and it’s impact on the human society, Divergent voices and Perspectives’, organized by Nirmala College, Ranchi, from 19-21st July, 2020.
Recent aspects in Physics ‘ , International seminar organized by Lakhimpur Girl’s College 27-29 July,2020.
Use of ICT tools for effective teaching’ , Organized by IQAC and ICT cell L.T.K.College in association with TLC, Tezpur University, 10-11 May 2021.
Refresher Course from Ranchi University, Ranchi, 2018.
Orientation Programme from North Eastern Hills University, Shillong, Meghalaya, 2019.
Working as Coordinator’ Red Ribbon
Prof. in charge, College Magazine.
Coordinator, Students Teachers Exchange programme.
Working as External Examiner of Practical Examinations conducted by AHSEC .
Working as External Examiner of Practical Examinations for different semesters conducted by different colleges.
Working as Judges for competitions in various events that held in College Week.
Participates in all the extension activities organized by the college.
Performs duties as Presiding Officer in several Assembly/ Parliament elections.
Performs duties as External Evaluator in Gunotsav conducted by Assam Government.