Sl.No. | Title with page no. | Journal | ISSN/ ISBN No. | Whether peer reviewed impact factor, if any |
1. | Participation of Rural women in ICDS Programme in Assam Page No. 354-357
| Asian Journal of Home Science, An International referred Journal
| 0973-4732 | Peer Reviewed NASS Rating 3.1 |
2 | Attitude of Beneficiaries towards the ICDS Programme and benefits obtained Page No. 597-598 | Asian Journal of Home Science, An International referred Journal | 0973-4732 | Peer Reviewed NASS Rating 3.1 |
3 | Impact of ICDS Programme on Rural communities of Assam Page No.- 38-41 | Contemporary Research in India, A Peer-Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary International Journal
| 2231-2137 | Peer reviewed |
4 | Role of women in Rural Economic Development through Self-Help Group. Page No.- 202-205 | Contemporary Research in India, A Peer-Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary International Journal
| 2231-2137 | Peer reviewed |
5 | Role of ICDS team in the implementation of Programme Page No.- 233-237 | Contemporary Research in India, A Peer-Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary International Journal
| 2231-2137 | Peer reviewed |
6 | Carrier oriented courses in Degree Colleges of Assam: its need and execution Page No.- 91-93 | Assam College Teacher’s Association Journal Vol- XXXIV Session- 2010-11
| 2229-693X | - |
7 | Evaluation Study of Axom Sarva Shiksha Abhijan mission with regards to deprive urban children Page No-676-679
| Asian Journal of Home Science (An (International Referred Research Journal)
| 0973-4732 | Peer Reviewed NASS Rating 3.1 |
8 |
Socio-economic status of Muslim Women in Lakhimpur district of Assam, Page No-56-60 | Advance Research Journal of Social Science Volume 6 Issue I, June, 2015 | e ISSN–2231–6418 | Peer reviewed |
9 | Attitudinal and General Aspect of Women Entrepreneur in Assam, Page No-1-10
| IRA-International Journal of Management and Social Sciences, Vol-03, Issue-02,May, 2016, | ISSN-2455-2267 | Peer reviewed |
10 |
Problems of Women Entrepreneurship in Assam: A Study Conducted in Lakhimpur District Page No- 115-122
| International research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences, Vol-03, Issue-09,Sept.2016, | ISSN: 2394-4218 | Peer reviewed Impact Factor 3.866 |
11 | Women Entrepreneurship Development through Self Help Group, Page No-315-318
| International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, Vol-4, Issue-1, December,2016 | ISSN: 2321-2705 | Peer reviewed |
12 | Nutritional related knowledge and common health problems among rural Women in Lakhimpur District of Assam Page No- 790-795
| International Journal of Applied Home Science, Vol-4, issue- 9&10, September & October, 2017
| ISSN: 2394-1413 | Impact Factor 4.829 |
13 | Assessing Personal Hygiene and Environmental Sanitation in Rural Villages of Lakhimpur District of Assam, Page No- 1-7
| International Research Journal of Human Resources & Social Sciences,,Vol.5, Issue-3, March, 2018 | ISSN: 2394-4218 | Peer reviewed Impact Factor 5.414 |
14 | Problems of Aged People in Rural Communities of Assam: A case study in Lakhimpur District, Page No- 1-7 | International Research Journal of Human Resource and Social Sciences, Volume 7, Issue 01, January 2020, |
ISSN(O): (2349-4085) ISSN(P): (2394-4218),
| Impact Factor 5.414 |
15 | A study on Academic Engagement of college going students during National lockdown and Unlock period of Covid-19 pandemic in Assam. Page No-921-929 | International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)Vol. 10, Issue 1, Feb 2020,
| ISSN (P): 2249–6890; ISSN (E): 2249–8001 | Impact Factor 8.8746 (Scopus Journal) |
16 | Assessment Of Nutritional Knowledge, Food Consumption And Personal Hygiene Of Adolescents Page No-29-34
| International Journal of Environment, Ecology, Family and Urban Studies (IJEEFUS), Vol-11,Issue-2, Jun,2021 | ISSN (Print): 2250-0065; ISSN (Online): 2321-0109; | Impact Factor 5.8083 |